The topic "Buy bunker, build" should also be capitalized in Germany.
Our team of engineers has spent countless hours designing a haven for you that can withstand the challenges of protecting a family in the most extreme conditions. With a simple design, above-average quality and robust materials, we are convinced that our bunker and shelter systems offer the best price-performance ratio of all available underground shelters. For the protection and security of your family, we offer our underground shelters / bunkers in 8 standard sizes, which can be tailored to your individual needs through a range of adjustment options. For those who want a little something extra? BSSD can also design, develop, build and install bunkers or shelters according to your personal needs? The only limits are your creativity, your preferences and your budget. If you want to buy a bunker or shelter, at BSSD Bunker Shelter Systems Germany you are one of the most professional you can find worldwide, we work with the best in this field. Buying a bunker is not always the same, you should buy the best one to protect your family. In other words, whether you prefer a custom bunker or our standard sizes. The refuge of BSSD bunker shelter systems Germany? were developed and built to protect your family from disasters and dangers in a clean, safe environment. We are not aware of any other provider of bunkers and shelter systems that meets these standards. All of our bunkers are primed and sealed both inside and out for all weather conditions to protect future generations. All of our bunkers have a main entrance hatch with a robust door lock, an additional emergency exit hatch on request, and the required air exchange system to supply a certain number of users with fresh air. Before you buy a bunker, answering the following questions should help you find the right bunker for your Family:

Bunker B0 : 9,6m²

Bunker B1 : 18m²

Bunker B2 : 36m²